cream puff – by Weiwei Karen

Original recipe from Carol Hu. Translated using my own version. Ingredient Water 85cc Salt 1/8tsp Unsalted butter 45g Cake flour 55g Egg 2pcs Place butter, salt and water in a saucepan over medium heat.  When butter is melted and it starts to boil, turn to low heat Add cake flour all at once and stir [...]

By |2017-12-01T09:56:29+08:00July 18th, 2015|Puff|0 Comments

Delicious Cream Puff

Ingredient for Cream Puff 500gm water 200gm Butter 250gm Plain Flour 6 Eggs Boil the 500gm water over the stove add in the Butter to slowly melt the butter oce the Butter is completely melt and the water starts to boil, add in the Flour and continue to keep stirring. The dough will become dry [...]

By |2017-12-07T06:08:49+08:00June 1st, 2014|Puff|0 Comments